Sunday, August 14, 2011

Chunder Bolts

Up until recently, I was not familiar with the word "chunder." I'm pretty sure it originates in the UK, but I could be wrong, although it seems uncommon over here. In any case, chunder basically means to vomit, throw up, barf, puke, blow chunks, etc.

Without going into the whole story, I first heard this word referencing a chunder bucket. I thought it was a hilarious term and we actually started calling a guy at work "Chunder Bucket" (behind his back of course). It was subsequently shortened to just chunder.

It turns out you can replace a word or two in lots of songs with chunder for comic effect. Chunderstuck is a popular one and in Bohemian Rhapsody you have chunder bolts and lightning, very, very frighting. So what is why I decided to make a t-shirt with a guy chundering lightning: